
This blog is made for a introduction to sociology class for college. It is a project blog talking about our interests in the class and teaching us how to create a blog. This is a very productive class and i would recommend it to people in college looking for something interesting to take.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Chapter 6- Groups and Organization

This article is about Mark Zuckerberg the inventor of Facebook which has everything to do with social networking.  I felt like this article was a good choice because currently Facebook is the number one website for time being spent on it.

The video is a little dry but it covers the social networking point and the positives of it pretty well.

Information on Groups and Organization - specifically Attribution Theory - specifically about Group Think

“If Facebook were a country, it would now be the 6th most populous in the world.”

My thoughts:
This chapter I liked the most of the four I chose because it is something im involved in quiet a bit.  I deal with computers and internet stuff on a daily basis. Its very common for people my age to have a Facebook or some source of a social network.  Its a new way to communicate with people and gain new opportunities.  It is definitely new technology and its a growing giant with the new generations. This is why I was so interested in it but its not the only thing that chapter talked about.

It talks about the primary and reference groups and how they are important in creating social interaction between people.  The primary groups create the base for it all then the reference group talks about the relationships and goals we look towards.  It also talks about a few theories like group think and attribution theory and I found that interesting as well but its easier to relate to something your more involved in.

Chapter 6 Crossword
Please complete the crossword puzzle below










1. The tendency for group members to reach a consensus opinion.
3. A group that consists of three people.
4. A group consisting of intimate, face-to-face interaction and relatively long-lasting relationships.
5. A type of formal organization characterized by an authority hierarchy,a clear division of labor, explicit rules, and impersonality.
7. A large secondary group, highly organized to accomplish a complex task or tasks and to achieve goals efficiently.
2. A set of links between individuals, groups, or between other social units.
6. Means that things move from start to finish in a streamlined path.
8. A group consisting of exactly two people.
9. The principle that we all make inferences about the personalities of others.
10. There is an emphasis on the quantitative aspects of products sold.

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